Cantarella z Údolí buků


Date of birth: 16.11. 2019

Mother: Barracuda Warrior Soul

Father: Jacob Black delle Ombre di Fuoco

Health: RTG - A HD A, ED 0/0, OCD aff. with no clinical manifestations, spondylosis 0, heart clear (6/2021)

Exhibitions: excellent


Club champion of sport (2022)

IV - Recommandé

Scissors bite, full teeth, high 63,5 cm, lenght 70 cm

About her...

Since she was a puppy, she was very active, still mooving and jumping, she still wanted to do somethink. I could see her herding instinct very soon and her herding skills are amazing. Now, she passed the level 2 and she is confirmed in breeding class IV- Recommandé.

Rei is a female with excellent exterier, with a noble head and dark eyes. She is still cheerful, little imp, little clown, full of love, tireless and hardworking. 


Trials and exams

18.6. 2023 IHT2 TS

Libušín Scudde Trial II.

judge: Miroslav Vostřez (CZ)

2. place (12)

98 p., 81,67%, VG

29.6. 2023 IHT2 TS

ÖGBH Circle-C-Ranch, Austria

judge: Henri Cornier (FR)

4. place (6)

107p, 89,16%, VG

21.5. 2023 IHT2 TS, Těně

judge: Saskia Clahsen-Polman (NL)

4. place (13)

98 p./81,6%, VG

8.10. 2022 IHT2 TS

Corgi + kelpie Cup, Těně

judge: Barbara Kiss (HU)

77 b., 3. place (6)

10.-.1.9. 2022 IHT1 TS

5. Club herding trial, Těně

judge: Simona Sochorováb (CZ)

98 b., 1. place (14)

2.9. 2022 IHT1 TS

Libušín Scudde Trial III

judge: Radko Loučka (CZ)

97b, 1. place (8)

27.8. 2022 IHT1 TS

3 x CACT, 1 x CACITR, Těně

judge: Helena Muzikářová (CZ)

99b., 1. place (6)

5.6. 2022 IHT1 TS

Pentecost CACITR Herding Trial (AUT)

jude: Gabriella Patkó (HU)

77b., 5. place

18.9. 2021 HWT

BBB Herding Cup, Martínkovice

judge: Ivana Horská (CZ)

82 b.

16.5. 2020 NHAT

Těně, judge: Helena Muzikářová (CZ)